you're lucky number ...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

aku makcik hot

What is wrong with people nowdays? Especially girls,they like to stare at u but then all of them will jeling u bukan main nak rak kan ?haihhhh there's nothing wrong klau nk stare o look but you have to do it the right way. Here are the steps :

1. Try to find your pray at shopping malls o places that crowded
2. When you have found the right girl,scan her up,look at her shoes,clothes ,tudung n makeup ( make sure your face reaction shows " hi im mrs happy but not mrs happy scary k hahah)
3. Once she has noticed u , try to look away with a blur face saying " hello im not looking at u ok , i tgk orang blakang you" but make sure again muka x kerek
4. If she has this i hate u look, try looking at her with "apa budget sgt minah ni?" hahahha

Its ok to look at people as long as u know how to control your face expression haha if u go through like what i did ,a girl looks at u n jeling , then say this to yourself, "apa apa je la aku kan makcik hot " hahah
Have fun !
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well last two weeks i got into a ktm ,i was on my way to meet zakiran in seremban. We have shifts of meeting up,this week i meet him in seremban next week i meet him in kl,thats how the flow goes hhehe nevermind that, im here to talk about our one and only KTM :-) i was sitting in thr ladies coach and all of a sudden my phonr battery was running low. I was like "shoot what am i suppose to do for the rest one hour" ,since the train is at ukm and i have more than 6 stations to go. So i switch off my mp3 and just set there and look around the ladirs coach. All of a sudden i felt like i was sitting in a theater. There were 3 movies that was showing :

Movie no 1: desperado

The train was so pack and i was sitting directly in front of a young girl. That girl was standing still since both side left n right were pushing n pressuring her. She couldnt move at all not even her hands. Basicly she was standinh there without holding the pole beside her or the handle above her since all of it are occupied. In my head i knew she so going to fall on me and i really prayed to god it wont happen . It seems He did hear my prayera, when the train suddenly stop ,she didnt fall towards me,she fell on her right side,to prevent herself from kissing the floor,she held on her both hands on something. Guess what it was ? Hahahah it was some makcik's volcanos hahahahah thw makcik blushed even the girl , she panicked she quickly remove her hands from there and held on to the mcik's bag ,like that's not worse kan ? I tried not to laugh but im so sorry i couldn i laughed for about 2 seconds and she was pissed,oppsiee daisy hehehe

Movie no2: i love u booo

The train stopped at kajang if im not mistaken, then came in this one "chweeet" couple,NOTTTTT! Hahah hello dahla this is a ladies ,cant you read the signs. If u cant try interpreting the pictures pasted on the doors laaa . Anyway then she came in holding her bf with a face saying " aku ader bf , kau ader ke ?" urghhhhh mengada gle,ok then it got worse ,she stand in front of her bf and without any logical reason shr moved her butt to the front and back and made this naughty look at the guy. Both of them laughed,rightttt, dorang ni nape ? Then she and her boyfriend cuddled while standing, nak je aku cakap ko ni kenapa?fineeeee u love your bf ,so do other girls but you dony hav to show it depan makcik2 semua kot ,semua pandang k :-)

The end,so if u forgot to bring your mp3 inside the train worry no more since the train will provide you with box office movies hhaha
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Monday, January 31, 2011

free WIFI comes free girly pictures :)

it was about a few weeks ago when me, ika , kak mas and kak mia went to Q bistro. its a mamak restaurant but with class, it serves western food as well as malaysian cuisines. the food served there is kindda good i wouldnt want to complain but the price there is quiet steep, for me i dont know about others heheh but anyway this blog is not about the pricey mee goreng mamak or french fries but this blog is about a guy who wouldnt pay for a broadband for his OWN good :) the reason why i say this is because , ok first of all his age is around 40 something reaching to his fifties. the scenario was he brought his laptop to this mamak restaurant and sits in the middle of the restaurant and his back was facing a family ,and at that table there were around 2 to 3 kids sitting behind him. i think his small brain was saying to him" its ok open up your laptop and go to that website , your body is huge it can blog your laptop screen. this will prevent people from behind seeing what is on your screen." what his small brain said was kidda  true , he had a big body frame, so that will easily block people from behind from seeing what he was doing but what his small liltle brain didnt think of was , people from his sides could see what was going on :) and "FORTUNATELY" for me , i saw what was on his screen. jeng jeng , his screen was full of girls. ok that might sound like " so? their his friends kot , tak salah pun ?" well it would be wrong if all the girls where in their birthda suits and one picture that i saw clearly was a girl in the bathroom with bubble foam on her body which only close certain parts of her body. pandai tak orang ni? haihhhhh kalau yer pun nk layan all these things please take it somewhere else and dont do it publicly :) its embarrassing since you're about to reach your golden days and secondly hello , Q bistro is a family restaurant, what if children saw those images? tak ke nanti jadi lain? ayooo pakcik , kasi fikir skit otak :) thank u   

Sunday, January 23, 2011

boleyh ke ?

well a few weeks ago , in the year 2010 hehe i went to OU with mama , pa and sha , we wanted to get something but i cant remember what it is but never mind this story isnt about the things we wanted to get but its about that SPECIAL someone :) that time me and ma went to the surau next to F.O.S kids and teens, it was nearly 3.45 and time tu baru jer nak semayang zohor, yeah i know its late but we got carried away while shopping , itu yang solat lambat :) then after performing our prayers , came this 3 "pretty" girls, they were like pakcik guard because they were all busy looking at people sampai langgar2 orang ,im not so sure what they were trying to do but yeah as usual i mind my own business then started to wear my tudung since the mirror dah tak sesak with people anymore. as i was wearing my tudung, one the "pretty" girls came to sit beside the mirror , and basically she was staring at me , i tried staring back at her but she didnt get my message. so for these kind of people , kite buat BODO jer k :) fine , first she was staring , then the next thing you know what she did? she started calling her "pretty" friends and started pointing at me. if that wasnt awkward enough they started to laugh which attracts others attention, i wasnt sure what was their problem but yeah ok again , i ignored and stared rolling my eyes. well if thats not bad enough, they started talking in a quiet loud voice , and you know what they said? " EH DLM ISLAM BOLEYH KE PAKAI MACAM NI?". I was like wtf? super duper OUCH! kot ,i know you're wearing the perfect kind of baju as we are all muslims. she wore the muslimah tshirt which is so alhamdulilah for you but i know im not some kind of ustazah but bukan dlm islam kiter tak boleyh mengaibkan orang ke ? when one of the girls said that i was super embarrass, the other ladies who were using the mirror looked at that group and started making faces. i know im not up to the islamic standards in term of dressing but cant you just tegur me like quietly and not make a public announcement? i seriously felt like crying , i could feel my face was turning hot and red, i tak tahan ,so i went out and told mama and papa about the incident. pa was super angry about it, he wanted me to show him which group of girls said that, i didnt want to make a scene so i kept quiet. when pa couldnt get the answer out of me , he tried comforting me by saying , "adek ni apala , patotnye cakap kat dorang , eh dah pukul 3.45 da ni. baru nk semayang ke? " then the girls mesti jawab "eh awak pun nk tegur orang awak pun same apa , pukul 3.45 bru nk smayang" then senang je jawab the girls " eh saya takpe sebab saye kan pakai macam ni :) " haha it definately made my day :) thanks pa <3 u

this is what i wore , i know im wrong but jgnla tegur macam tu kot :) 

Saturday, January 01, 2011

the new year babeyh !

I have many things that I wish to change especially my life, im not saying the life I had in 2010 was not perfect or anything but I think I could be a better person. No one in this world don’t make mistakes right? And I definitely have done a few that im not proud of hehe well as they say no one is perfect so im going to use that slogan as an excuse for all the things that I have done that could her people or even myself hehe im so living in denial right now hehe anyways for this new year 2011, I would love to live with a new slogan which is think more and act less J well for those who know me very well I usually act or speak first before thinking the consequences ,oh BOY! That is sure a pain in the ass , im not kidding you hheehe that’s why some people don’t really enjoy chatting with me hahahah too honest hameeza hehe but bohho you real friends are the one who can accept you for the way you are right? I have mine in my heart and im thankful to god because not many people have good friends hehe ok for the new year 2011 , I made a few wish lists , and this is it :

1.       I want to do good things
I want to be in a community where I can help people , I know this sounds cliché but who cares this Is my blog heheh I think im going to join the wanita UMNO haahah NOT! Im not into politics besides that topic makes me headache with people holding posters and shouting liar ! liar! Too much drama haha I think the group im going to join is the pink ribbon club, I haven’t really look it up on the net but I think it’s a group good to join, I know mama will be all hysterical about this since she has this fear about ambulance , blood , mortuary and diseases especially the ones that are contagious haha the reason why I want to join pink ribbon’s club is because they have really pretty ribbons ! hahahah besides that, I think people who are on the way to the end of their journey should be given a chance. Im sure their family members are avoiding them, so we as citizens should show that we care about them even though others don’t J

2.       I want megan fox in me!
OMG, I know since the issue megan fox called the producers of transformers a biatch , most people don’t really like her anymore, but who cares about transformers when you have a really hot babe sitting on the bike right? I sound so lesbo now I know , but I would love to have her body , fab abs with great lips, I know I cant do anything about my lips but fab abs will do for me, so that means more sit ups even though it causes me stomachache. See! How much fat is on my belly , even my boyfriend calls me fat cat, so meeza= fat , so what out not so hot girls, meeza is out with a new hot body ! haha

3.       Click click!
Ok I know im being so out dated since boys with the same age as JB has this thing but im so obsses with it , I want a DSLR! I don’t come from a family where I say , “ ma I want a dslr , buy for me k?” I come from a family where our forehead comes with a yellow memo saying , you want anything earn it ! damn…I tried asking it since I managed to get a title for something which made both of my parents proud, but the answer from my dad was, “ what? Im not going to speng my 1K on a stupid camera”, so boohoo me , since I really want it , im thinking buying a piggy bank , and try to save rm4 a day for 365 days, I know this sound pathetic but I don’t care I want it badly! So if I manage to save rm 4 a day I might have a luck on this thing, what’s really pushing me from my finishing line is NAFSU! Not batin of course , not yet la but MAKAN! I cant stop eating , even though I just had lunch half an hour ago, the urge to eat again is there whenever I see people eat. I think im a social eater instead of a social smoker hahah so DSLR baby wait for me k? mummy is coming 

4.       Grad u 8 !
I cant wait to finish my studies! Im in my last sem, I know im still taking diploma and others are taking their degree but who cares again right? Haha in my girly group im running up first in graduating! Yeay! They even promised to come for my graduation which is so sweet of them Jheheh  I really hope im not going to repeat any subjects , please god , if not im going to finish my degree when im 28 ! OMG , tak kawin la aku hahah so let us all pray to god that im going to graduate! Amin! 

5.       PNC
I do have other wishes but its to private for me post it here, but I really wish that my other wishes can come true because it will definitely make me feel a better person, I want to be a better person then I was in the year 2010 , please ALLAH SWT , amin ! and may ALLAH grant my other wishes AMIN!

KLIMS 2010 :)

Kuala lumpur international motor show 2010 or better known as KLIMS 2010 is definitely DEFINITELY the one and only event that boys cant wait to attend. The reason why I say this is because just be the judge of this picture.

 I can count with my fingers how many boys would not attend this event. I went to KLIMS and majority of the people there are boys and men who are more eager to see girls with tight white shirts on and micro mini skirts and if they are lucky they’ll get sexy poses like this girl haha I really don’t know what is her motive but yeah sitting on the bike and try to sandar ke depan? Sure midvalley jom! Hahaha I have nothing against her I understand its just her job to pose with the bike , this blog has nothing to do with her but this is mainly about boys that I observe hehehe J 
There were many types of boys or men at that event , the reason why I classify them into 2 is because there were boys age around 15 to 20 and men aging more than 35 years old.  So two of this classes need to be mentioned J ok back to the story , will start off this blog with the group of boys then men :

Example one :
I had the opportunity to see this one person’s character from the start of the event till the end of it. Name of this person cannt be mentioned even though its so easy to guess who is it hahahaha anyway when we first arrived at KLMs he was quiet then give a boy 10 minutes from his 7th heaven he will totally change 360 hahahhahha I don’t mind since he is acting like that since I live to this 2 principles , one is “ in his dreams la dia dapat this girl “ and second if he has the guts to walk up to the girl and ask for her number and go out on a date with him then , he will have to live with my super special princip ,which is “ he wants to live with a girl who uses tissues during her visit at the toilet then up to youuuuu hahahahha” its not my lost , its yoursssss hahahahahahhahahahahaha anyway he was super duper excited , he keeps on pulling me to see the cars ,at first I thought “ wow , semangatnye dia nk tgk “ then my conscious strikes “nooooooooooooo, he is not aiming for the cars he is aiming for the girls “ hahahahaha no wonder he only takes pictures with the international cars since the girls are all showing off their “assets” hahah  but I dont mind being his photographer that day since boys should be given the “healthy space” they need. Healthy here refers to the space that is not over the top freedom  hehe 

Example two :
The girl on the bike as shown above ? yeah about that girl again , while she was posing her sexy pose on the bike which didn’t turned me on hahah a boy comes up from behind and pushed me aside , luckily I had the chance the take a picture of the girl. At first I was like , “look another excited boy who has not seen the twins!” then when the girl change to another pose which was not sexy at all most of the boys went off from the place.
Fat cat :omg u Nampak tak budak tu buat apa?
Me: huh? Apa dia buat?
Fat cat: dia zoom camera( camera phone) dia and ambik gambar cleavage of that girl! Ahahha
See what I mean? Boys these days , if “twins” bleyh jual at shops as a type of food, I will surely be rich, they stop at nothing to have them, double ewwness haha
Ok now lets talk about the men that is the same age as our fathers, I realize one thing they don’t go for show girls that are posing for cars like KIA or CHERY , they go for girls that are posing for Aprillia ( betol ke eja ni wtv) and Harley ! I don’t know why but maybe because the girls there are more like “ oww im tough and im riding a big bike , oww I like “ in these old men imaginations , and maybe It turns on the old guys hahahahahahhaah futher explanation cannot be mention in this blog as it will contaminate my blog hahahhahah basically boys can totally be differentiated from the men since boys love cheap shots and china girls meanwhile the “men” love rough and tough girls haha WEIRD !

the cool groom :)

Well on the 4th of December was abang boy’s and kak herdiey’s wedding , the groom is fat cat’s brother. The bride and groom has been in love since matrix till now if im not mistaken both of them are  24 ? im not so sure on the details but I love to see couples that have been together for a long time end up getting married J both of them totally compliments each other , one is the crazy type the other is quiet and ayu hahahaha that is good, you cant be having someone who is totally the SAME as you are right? That’s just so boring , for example one is quiet the other one is the same , so tell me , will there be any existence of a conversation? Hahah NOT! Boring gle, and another example , if you yourself is a very hot tempered guy you cant be having a GF that is also hot tempered as you are right? The relationship will go like this ,today I hate you lets break up , tomorrow I love you lets be together and this will never end, trust me , this is a real story , luckily it’s not happening to me hehe J anyway the wedding was totally simple , back in the days, most muslims don’t realize this but you cant really bersanding , its like berdosa, but nowdays this tradition is no longer practiced in most malay weddings, thumbs up for you guys! J and there was no bersanding in kak herdiey’s wedding. They have a pelamin but this pelamin is only used as a prop to take pictures with families and friends , the pelamin was also simple but the details made it look like wah comelnye hehe love the wedding , the theme colour was pink and grey and pink and yellow English flowers was used to decorate the main table.  The unique of this wedding was, in most wedding the pegantin will berarak into the house macam jalan jer , but in this wedding the pegantin was brought in with the help of tandu :DD the tandu was self made but unfortunately for me , how the pegantin berarak into the house tak sempat nk tengok since there was a massive jam to seremban -_-“  so no pictures of the tandu J this wedding was kindda a relax wedding, no pressure , the reason why I say this is because there were no protocols or any kind of things involves that made the wedding a dull one. Some people were singing their ass of like nobody’s business, they did not mind if their voices were so bad that made some of the guests laughed. They were being real J I don’t know whether this is something that runs in fat cat’s family but everyone contributed their voices for the wedding , from the not so good liyana jasmay to the shabby clothes Joe Flizzow but the one song I can never forget was when one of his ( Fat cat) cousin sang Hero by Mariah carey. It was funny her voice was shakey and cracked during the peak of her performance. She didn’t care if everyone was laughing , she tetap going on with her SS (shock sendiri hahaa) the food was also good , the daging was not liat or anything and alhamdulilah when I got back from the wedding I didn’t have any diarrhea since most wedding I balik diarrhea will be my new bestfriend heheh ok enough reviewing about the wedding , this main blog is actually about the groom, he was tak malu jugakla to dance poco poco with his guy friends,it was cute. How many guys in this world have the guts to dance POCO POCO in front of his own wedding guests? Hahah I don’t know about you but from this video it seems to me that these boys have their own private class of POCO POCO back at their old school , Alam shah. Hahah enjoy this vid sorry taktau nk rotate the video :)
p/s: congratulation to abang boy and kak herdiey , hopefully “ mini me” of both you will arrive soon hehehe insyallah J  

just like us :)

this blog was suppose to be posted about a month ago but laziness stroked J everytime I wanted  to write a new blog , I’ll change my mind and will be stalking someone’s FB page opsie daisy heheh anyway this “about to be posted” blog made me realize that everyone is the at the same level as everyone . what im trying to say is that , no matter whether he is the PM or super hot rockstar or a hot celebrity that boys dream about they are still like us. Why I say this is because about a month ago I saw Aaron aziz,wow! He is like the new hero Malaya , even though he is not from Malaysia but he still can be labeled as hero Malaya. This might be disgusting to some people but OMGG ( o my god giler , thanks to fat cat for teaching me this new word hehe) his shoulder and hot body just makes me drool…:DD he is like super hot , just ask him to stand there with white shirt and jeans , he still look totally hot but if u add the picture’s background with water hose yang basahkan his clothes he will still look hot hahahahahah (ok too much imagination haaha) back to the story , with all the hotness on him will you still feel the same if you saw him koreking his gigi with the help of his fingers like nobody’s business? Klau dia pakai toothpick bleyh rterima jugakla but practically his whole fist was inside his mouth Hahahahah this is a true story , if ever IF EVER aaron aziz read this blog ,im sorry please don’t sue me hahaha but this is a totally true story , all that hotness about him went away in a blink of an eye , sha was sitting next to me and both of us was like ,WATTT! No way he did that, he koreked him gigi while staring at me , I don’t know whether he is trying to flirt with me with his extra daging on his tooth but that was totally disgusting , yeah we all korek our gigi but do we do it in public, no way!  That’s just embarrassing kot hahah so to all the peeps who is always angau about hot celebrities that makes you go OMGG OMGG , try to calm youself down and remember this story about aaron aziz and try to substitute aaron with your hot celebrity , is he or she still hot? NOTTTT! Hahaha im such a dream crasher hahaha